HillSouth Complete

Your business grows more dependent on technology daily. With HillSouth Complete, we can proactively manage your IT environment and minimize downtime. That means more productivity for you and your employees.

HillSouth Complete Plan includes:

  • Includes maintenance and repair of existing systems.
  • Business-hours-only and after-hours agreements available.
  • Proactive approach cuts downtime in half compared to break/fix method.
  • Dedicated team of engineers knows the specifics of your system.
  • Regular assessments of your environment.
  • Industry leading anti-virus software.
  • Configured to meet all PCI compliance requirements for best-practice security.
  • Centrally managed by our engineers to identify threats as quickly as possible.
  • Agent operates on individual systems regardless of network environment.
  • Allows remote access -- visible and in the background -- to remedy your issues as quickly and reliably as possible.
  • 24/7 monitoring and automatic ticket creation/resolution.
  • Workstation monitoring includes hard drive SMART status and System Drive space.
  • Server monitoring includes RAID or SMART status, all hard drive space, and uptime.
  • Network devices include ping-sweep uptime check.
  • Additional monitoring (services, CPU/memory/network usage, port checks, etc.) available as needed.
  • Automatic Microsoft updates after release.
  • Optional “Test Pool” for immediate automatic updates.
  • Include up to 5% of all client hardware.
  • Allows testing of client-specific software interactions with Microsoft updates.

Billed per Device: Workstations and Servers, Firewalls, Network Devices

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